Members of the UEPA Erasmus+ project team of the CRED4TEACH project took part in training at the Portuguese Open University

Participants from the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy of the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development”, deputy first vice-rector, associate professor of practical psychology department Andrii Lomakin and head of the scientific activity group of UEPA, associate professor of automation, metrology and energy-efficient technologies department Hrinchenko Hanna, from February 5 to 7 took part in the training “Professional development of teachers in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania: conceptualization and accreditation of MOOC-based microcredentials” at the Portuguese Open University.

The following events were attended as part of the training:

  • Meeting with the management of the Portuguese Open University and the coordinators of the CRED4TEACH project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development”;
  • Considered issues of professional development of teachers and lecturers in Europe, Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania;
  • Studied conceptualization and accreditation peculiarities of MOOC-based microcredentials using the experience of leading European states;
  • Work was carried out in groups on the perspectives of creation, conceptualization and accreditation of microcredentials in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania.

On the first day, there was an acquaintance with the management of the Portuguese Open University, coordinators and project participants, also university employees gave a tour and showed the material support. Namely, a studio where lectures are recorded using professional equipment, a sound recording studio and an editing studio with professional equipment and special software.

The second day of the visit was dedicated to learning and working in groups on the topic “Professional development of teachers in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania” and on the topic “Creation and conceptualization of microcredentials in Europe, Portugal, Turkey and Germany”, where representatives of all educational institutions and qualification agencies worked on the current state and perspectives for these topics.

The third day of the meeting was dedicated to training and working in groups on the topic “Accreditation of microcredentials in Ukraine, Montenegro and Albania”, working groups developed accreditation criteria and requirements for microcredentials based on the specifics of states and national legislation. Also were received advice for further work from the coordinators of the CRED4TEACH project “MOOC-based microcredentials for teacher professional development”.

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