The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University held a roundtable for representatives of vocational and general education

On 11 September 2024, a roundtable for representatives of vocational education institutions and secondary school teachers was held at the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University within the Erasmus+ project CRED4TEACH. The roundtable topic was “Formation and improvement of digital competencies of VET teachers and school teachers based on massive open online courses (MOOCs)”.

The event featured presentations: by the project coordinator at the UEPA, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences Oleksandr KUPRIYANOV on “Microcredentials obtained based on massive open online courses (MOOCs) for the teachers’ professional development”, he presented the CRED4TEACH project and spoke about the opportunities for the roundtable participants; by project participant, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Andrii LOMAKIN presented the topic “Pan-European structure of micro-credentials”, where he described in detail the features of obtaining micro-credentials, as well as receiving them within the project; Professor Tetiana BONDARENKO made a presentation on “Professional development of VET teachers and school teachers based on MOOCs” and spoke about the structure of MOOCs that will be developed and presented by the UEPA within the CRED4TEACH project.

Roman NESTERENKO, National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project, Deputy Head of the International Relations Department of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, presented the topic “Internationalization of Education and Opportunities of the Erasmus+ Program” and introduced the students to the opportunities for developing the potential of Ukrainian VET institutions and schools within Erasmus+ projects. Also, during the event, the guests got acquainted with the massive open online courses studio of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies, International Relations and Academic Mobility of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, opened within Erasmus+ CRED4TEACH project, where educational video materials are created, edited and provided technical support in conducting online training.

The participants of the roundtable were the deputy director and methodists of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in the Kharkiv region and a teacher of the Valky Vocational Lyceum. The representatives were undoubtedly very interested in cooperation and created their own MOOCs on such professional equipment, which is located on the basis of UEPA, and expressed their desire to get the opportunity to work in creating video materials as soon as possible. We look forward to active participation and fruitful cooperation.

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