80th anniversary of the professor of the department of information computer technologies and mathematics, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology Lytvyn Oleg Mykolayovych

Rector of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olena Eduardivna Kovalenko and Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kupriyanov November 7, 2022 at the scientific seminar of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics “New Information Operators in to mathematical modeling” congratulated Oleg Mykolayovych Lytvyn, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, on his 80th birthday.

At the seminar, Oleg Mykolayovych was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science for his initiative and perseverance, high professionalism, conscientious performance of official duties and significant personal contribution to the development of the sphere of education and science of Ukraine.

Oleg Mykolayovych was congratulated on his anniversary and took an active part in the work of the seminar by the director of the Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Serhienko Ivan Vasyliovych; deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Numerical Methods and Mathematical Modeling, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Mykolayovych Khimich; head of the Department of Optimization of Numerical Methods of the Institute of Cybernetics named after V.M. Hlushkova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Valery Kostiantynovych Zadiraka.

The listeners were presented with a report by the founder of the theory of new information operators, professor of the ICTiM department of UIPA, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Lytvyn Oleh Mykolayovych on the topic “New information operators in mathematical modeling of systems and processes”, as well as a report by the head of the ICTiM department of UIPA, doctor of physics and of Mathematical Sciences Nechuivyter Olesya Petrivna “New information operators in digital processing of signals and images” and other outstanding scientists.

The head of the department of applied mathematics of the National Technical University “KhPI” (1995 – 2021), doctor of technical sciences Lidiya Vasylivna Kurpa, professor of the department of applied mathematics of KhNURE, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Lytvyn Oleksandra Hryhorivna took part in the discussion of the reports; head of the NPPI, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kolomiets Valery Vitaliyovych; Head of the Department of Electromechanical and Computer Systems of the NPPI, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Zaluzhna Galina Volodymyrivna; deputy head of the NPPI, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Inna Vitaliyivna Nefiodova.

The representatives of Oleg Mykolayovych Scientific School took an active part in the discussion: Olena Vitalyivna Yarmosh, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Valentina Oleksiivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences Pasichnyk, Oleksiy Valeriyovych, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Slavik Oleksiy Valeriyovych, Doctor of Economic Sciences Babenko Kristina Evgeniivna, as well as teachers of the Department of ICT, Doctor of Pedagogy Sciences Bondarenko Tetiana Sergiyivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences Trokhymchuk Serhiy Mykolayovych, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Galina Ivanivna Sazhko, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Oleg Dmytrovych.

Based on the results of the seminar, a special issue of the scientific journal “Bulletin of the National Technical University “KhPI” is being prepared for publication. Series: Mathematical modeling in engineering and technologies”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Lytvyn Oleg Mykolayovych.

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