Where can I work?
The information technologies (IT) field is the driving force of global changes all over the world and occupies a special place in the Ukrainian economy today. IT market is one of the most popular and fast-growing labor markets in Ukraine. According to the AVentures Capital fund, a multibillion IT industry has already been formed in Ukraine. There are about 100 thousand programmers at the local IT-companies, and they are world-class developers. Ukraine rises to the first place in terms of the number of developers in countries of Eastern and Central Europe.
This is really young profession in Ukraine. The average age of an IT worker in Ukraine is 25 years and 74% of workers have higher education, which indicates the high intelligence of IT market.
The IT sector has a lot of interesting directions. There are various specialists of the IT-sphere in a labor market, in particular:
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A graduate of this specialty can get a job not only in an IT company, but also in another large company. For example, banks need their own software. Our engineering and pedagogical education in the IT field gives a double advantage. On the one hand, as a specialist in the field of Computer technologies, you will be in demand in the IT-industry market, and on the other hand you as an engineer-teacher can work in the market of educational services in the professional training field of computer specialists.
Short description of the curriculum of the specialty ”Professional training (Computer Technologies)”
The curriculum is built on a modular basis and includes the next groups of disciplines:
- Fundamental disciplines: Higher Mathematics; Physics; Informatics and Computer technologies; Computer technologies at the office; Engineering and Computer graphics.
- General engineering disciplines: Theoretical bases of electrical engineering; Electrical methods and means of measurement; Life safety and Civil protection; Fundamentals of energy and resource saving; Fundamentals of labor protection; Psychology of work.
- Professional-oriented computer disciplines: Operating systems; Internet technologies; Information systems in management and training; Software for management and training systems; Information management and intelligent systems; Graphics and visualization; Human-computer interaction; Integrity and security of information; Software engineering; Social and professional programming issues.
- Professional-oriented pedagogical disciplines: Methodological and didactic bases of vocational education; Fundamentals of engineering and pedagogical creativity; Psychology; Computer technology training; Creative technologies of training, etc.
- Economic, legal and social disciplines: Foreign language; Foreign language of professional and business communication; Ukrainian professional language; Philosophy; Economy; Social and corporate security, and so on.
The terms of training on the specialty ”Professional training (Computer Technologies)”:
- 4 years for a bachelor’s degree (after college or technical school 2 years);
- 1.5 year for master’s degree.
What technologies will I master?
Programming languages, markup and development:
C ++, PHP, C #, Java, JavaScript, HTML, SQL.
Environments of programming, development and training:
Visual Studio, Android Studio, NetBeans, Visio, Project, WordPress, Moodle.
Access, MSSQL.
Network technologies, Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET, Google Apps.
Graphics and visualization:
CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop, Captivate, InDesign.
How much can I earn?
Training of specialists in the field of computer technologies on the specialty “Professional training (Computer technologies)” allows to provide training of specialists who have a dual specialization: pedagogical and engineering. Graduates of this specialty have skills in working with information technologies and computer tools, and they are also teachers of computer disciplines. So your salary depends of direction what you choose!
The average salary of some IT-workers in Ukraine:
- a teacher at IT educational center – 600$;
- a web-developer – 1400$;
- a software engineer – 1600$;
- a quality assurance engineer – 1100$;
- BA, DevOps и DBA – 1750$;
- A project manager – 1200$;
- A Team lead – 3000$.