Congratulations to the master’s students who successfully defended their qualification papers in the Professional Education (Digital Technologies)

Defenses of master’s theses in the specialty Professional Education (Digital Technologies) were held at the department. The State Examination Commission included:

Chairman: Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences, associate professor, Pershina Yuliya Ihorivna
EC members:

vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kupriyanov;
Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Oleg Leonidovych Kondratyuk;
chief by the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics, Ph.D., Professor, Olesya Petrivna Nechuiviter;

doctor of pedagogy, professor of the faculty of information computer technologies and mathematics Tetyana Serhiyivna Bondarenko;
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of information computer technologies and mathematics Halyna Ivanivna Sazhko;
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of pedagogy, methods and management of education, Viktoriya Serhiivna Kovalska;
doctor of pedagogy, associate professor associate professor of the department of technological and professional training of the Central Ukrainian State University, Trifonova Olha Mykhailivna.

The members of the commission noted the relevance of the master’s theses, their practical significance, in particular, the possibility of application in the educational and scientific space. The winners successfully defended their diploma projects and received a master’s degree in their specialty
015 Professional education (Digital technologies).

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