Kupriyanov Oleksandr


Kupriyanov Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Купріянов Олександр Володимирович

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Education Kharkiv Engineering – Pedagogical Institute: Kharkiv, Ukraine.
“Technology and Equipment of Automated Production in Mechanical Engineering and Instrument Making” (1989-1994)
Degree in science PhD. Defended a thesis on specialty “Machine Building Technology” on the subject “Technological power expenditure reduction in assembly with thermal effect” (1998)

Doctor of Engineering Sciences. Defended a thesis on specialty “Machine Building Technology” on the subject “Ensuring the quality of high-precision joints in serial production on the basis of information support of the assembly process” (2016)

Academic title Professor (2022)
Certificates 1. International Engineering Educator ING-PAED IGIP, registered number UA-051, 2004.
2. Certificate of the Training Course “Computer Hardware Maintenance and Net Instrument Technology”. Tianjin University of Technology and Education, P.R.China, 2004.
3. Certificate of IT Ukraine Association Teacher’s Internship program held by EPAM Systems, registered number 0141, 2019.
4. Internship at Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National-Louis University (Poland) under the qualification enhancement program “Distance education: innovative methods and digital technologies” (6 ECTS credits), 2021.
5. Internship at the University of Education Management under the advanced training program “Rectors, Vice-Rectors of Universities, Academies, Institutes” (6 ECTS credits), 2021.
6. Blended Training Certificate “Towards Becoming a MOOC Designer”, offered as a part of the CRED4TEACH Project (3 ECTS credits), 2024.
Research interests
  • Improvement the efficiency and accuracy of assembly in engineering.
  • Precision in mechanical engineering.
  • Computerization of the educational process.
Has taught courses on
  • Fundamentals of modern programming languages
  • Software engineering
  • Software Project Management
  • Mobile and Web platforms
Selected Publications ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0017-5751

Scopus Autor Profile:
h-index: 5

Web of Science Autor Profile:
h-index: 3

Google Academy Profile:
h-index: 8

ResearchGate Profile

Participation in scientific projects 1. State budget project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Investigation of the influence of the shape geometry error on the strength of tensile compounds collected by the induction heat method” (ДР № 0115U003275, 2015-2016).
2. The Erasmus+ project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” (PAGOSTE) (609536-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP). 2020 – 2023
3. UEPA Team Lead in Ukraine Higher Education Teaching Excellence Programme, which is held by British Council in Ukraine in partnership with the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of the Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Advance HE (UK) and with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Ukraine and National Agency for in Higher Education  Quality Assurance. 2021 – 2022.
4.  The Erasmus+ project “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development” (CRED4TEACH). 2023 – 2026
Level of foreign languages Russian: native speakers
English: Level B2 (Upper-Intermediate). Cambridge Assessment English, First Certificate in English (FCE), Verification Number B4739372, 2021.
Administrative work 1. Ukraine IGIP National Sections, Secretary General.
Director of Engineering Pedagogics Center.
2. Editor-in-chief of the collection of scientific papers “Engineering“.
Award Adolf Melezinek Meritorious Service Award – for outstanding achievement and longtime active work for and within International Society of Engineering Pedagogy

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