International activity of the department

As part of cooperation under the Erasmus project 2020-1-BGOI-KA107-078265 between the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy and the Technical University of Gabrovo from November 17 to 21, the head of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nechuivyter Olesya Petrivna and Associate Professor of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Sazhko Galyna Ivanivna took part in the Erasmus+ grant program held on the basis of Gabrovo Technical University, Gabrovo (Bulgaria).

As part of the mobility program, lectures were given for students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, the associate professor of the department Galyna Sazhko improved her professional skills and gained pedagogical experience in teaching computer disciplines. Members of the delegation underwent training at the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics.

The teachers got acquainted with the Bulgarian educational process, together with their colleagues from the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, they analyzed the educational programs for training specialists in the computer field at the Technical University of Gabrovo and UIPA. Olesya Petrivna and Galyna Ivanivna took part in the UNITECH 2022 International Scientific Conference, and together with the academic coordinator from Gabrovo Technical University, Liliana Rusanova, vice-rector for international cooperation and public relations, discussed further ways of cooperation.

80th anniversary of the professor of the department of information computer technologies and mathematics, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology Lytvyn Oleg Mykolayovych

Rector of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Olena Eduardivna Kovalenko and Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kupriyanov November 7, 2022 at the scientific seminar of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics “New Information Operators in to mathematical modeling” congratulated Oleg Mykolayovych Lytvyn, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, on his 80th birthday.

At the seminar, Oleg Mykolayovych was awarded a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science for his initiative and perseverance, high professionalism, conscientious performance of official duties and significant personal contribution to the development of the sphere of education and science of Ukraine. далее …

Two UIPA teams passed to the second round of the International Collegiate Programming Contest

On October 22, the first round of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) – an international programming Olympiad, which is considered the most prestigious programming competition among students, was held.

UIPA was represented by two teams:

  • UEPA1, consisting of Bondarenko Ihor (DKI-POK19), Rebryk Oleksandra (DIT-K21), Shkarban Vladyslav (DIT-K22), shared 250-251 places;
  • UEPA2, consisting of Kapitonova Natalia (DKI-POCT21), Bogun Ruslan (DKI-K20), Zholudev Volodymyr (DKI-K20), took 303-304 places.

The coach of the teams is Oleksandr Kupriyanov. далее …

“One step to work in IT” from the international company QATestLab

Attention students and teachers!

Do you see IT only as a world of developers? Well, then it is not for nothing that we offer an online meeting, because the profession of a software tester is a modern and affordable IT profession that can be mastered in only 4 weeks! Don't believe it?
Come to the presentation "One step to work in IT" from the international company QATestLab for the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy!
We will tell a lot of interesting things about the software tester profession, introduce our course and company. We will clear all your doubts during the meeting!
Do not miss a wonderful, and most importantly - a free chance to master the new profession of QA Engineer and change your life forever!

When: 04.11.2022 on Friday at 12:30
Where: online based on Google Meet:

We are waiting for all those interested!

The student of the department started her studies at Gabrovo Technical University (Bulgaria)

From 05.10.2022, the semester studies of the 1st-year student began master’s degree of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy of Alina CHAYKA (specialties 015.39 Vocational education (Digital technologies) in Technical University of Gabrovo (Bulgaria) under the Erasmus+ program, project agreement No. 2020-1-BG01-КА107-078265.

According to this agreement, the student studies for the following disciplines:

Component title at the Receiving Institution (as indicated in the course catalogue)

  • Network security
  • Business information systems
  • Multimedia Systems and Web-design
  • Network operation systems
  • Design of computer systems
  • Computer training systems

далее …

As part of the ICL2022 International Conference 
"Education in the Age of Digital and Green Transition", 
which took place in Vienna, solemn events were held 
on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding 
of the Society for Engineering Pedagogy IGIP. 
So, on September 29, a solemn event was organized 
on the basis of the Technical University of Vienna 
in the Dome-Hall presentation hall, to which members 
of IGIP were invited, one of whom is the professor 
of IKTM department Tetyana Bondarenko.
Representatives of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical
Academy also joined in the congratulations on the occasion 
of the 50th anniversary of the Society for Engineering 
Pedagogy. The president of the Ukrainian section of IGIP, 
the rector of UIPA, Olena Kovalenko, and the general secretary
of the Ukrainian section of IGIP, Oleksandr Kupriyanov, 
made a video welcome address.

Participation in the work of the first seminar “Quantum computing”

Head of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics,
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor O.P. Nechuiviter took September 27, 2022
participation in the work of the first seminar "Quantum Computing", which was held at the base
V. M. Hlushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The participants of the seminar were greeted by the deputy director of the institute for scientific work,
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor O.M. Chemist
The leader of the seminar is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, a professor
V.K. In his report, Zadiraka highlighted the tasks and work plan of the workshop.
The audience was very interested in the report "Quantum computer from the point of view
physics", made by an employee of the Physical and Technical Institute of Low Temperatures named after
B.I. Verkin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.M. Shevchenko. IN
the report analyzed the current state of the problem related to the creation
quantum computer as a real working device.
In addition, the speaker allocated special attention to areas of possible use of quantum computers: from cryptography
to the modeling of large-scale systems, description and prediction of the course of ultra-complex systems
processes, etc. The report discussed the basic concepts of quantum computing, such as
logical operations and examples of modern studies of physical implementations are given
quantum bits - qubits.

Successful defense of bachelors of specialty 126 “Information systems and technologies

On June 13, 2022, full-time bachelors of the specialty 126 “Information Systems and Technologies” of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics successfully passed the qualifying exam. The graduates were congratulated by the Chairman of the Examination Commission, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuliya Pershina and the guarantor of the educational program Director of Educational and Scientific Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute UEPA Natalia Oliynik.

Already graduated specialists were invited by the head of the ICTiM department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Olesya Nechuyviter for further study at the department with a master’s degree.