Results of the First International Scientific and Practical WEB Forum

forum0On March 26-28, 2019, the International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum “The Development of the Unified Open Information Space in Lifelong Education” was held on the basis of Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy.

The number of registered participants of the Forum reached 218 people from Ukraine and other countries, including scientists and practicing professionals from Chisinau, Dubnica nad Váhom, Gori, Slupsk, Tianjin, San Francisco, Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih, Kropyvnytskyi, Chernihiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Vinnytsia, Nizhyn, Zaporizhia, Dnipro, Burshtyn, Zhashkiv, Starobilsk, Bohorodchany, as well as representatives of vocational and general education institutions of the Kharkiv region. далее …

Press Release of the International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum “The Development of the Unified Open Information Space in Lifelong Education”


Dear colleagues, scientists, educators! We invite you to participation!
The First International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum


(registered at the UkrISTEI system of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science Certificate № 535 from 12.11.2018)

March 26-28-th

 Open the WEB-forum press release as PDF

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Service for synchronize the timetable schedule of UIPA with Google Calendar

Student Goncharov V.G. developed a service to synchronize the UIPA study schedule with Google Calendar. The service is easy to use; allow synchronizing both the schedule of students and teachers, adding events reminders.

The software product was created in IntelliJ IDEA in Java, and takes the schedule from the web-portal of the learning management system UIPA. Goncharov Volodimyr developed both server and client part of the program, it is available at

The work was carried out under the direction of associate professor Gromov Evgen.

Master’s theses defense

HoldersOfMastersDegree2018_1At the beginning of December 2018 at the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics passed the defense of master’s theses. In the specialties “Professional Training (Computer Technologies)”, 21 full-time students and 18 extra-mural were defended. In the specialty “Professional Training (Publishing and Printing)” 7 students were defended, “Applied Mathematics” – 5 students .

Master’s theses concerned various areas of the IT and publishing and printing industries, applied mathematics: the creation of electronic textbooks and promotional films, the use of new information operators and the coding of digital images, 3D modeling and automation of semantic text analysis. Especially, it is worth noting the developed by Goncharov Volodumur service to synchronize individual schedules of students and teachers with Google calendar, which will find the widest application in the UIPA. далее …

Participation of teachers and students of UIPA in the future IT specialist conference

On October 13, UIPA teachers and students took part in the largest annual conference for future IT specialists in Ukraine, which was organized by A-Level Ukraine IT-school. The participants of the conference, who were mainly students of computer specialties of Kharkov universities, received information about the main popular professions in this field, where these professions can be learned and what are the requirements for job applicants. Speakers were practicing developers. More than 1,500 conference participants had a good time, splitting into 3 streams and then gathering together again for coffee breaks. Those interested in practice could try the interesting technology on the workshops.


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Participation in the International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy

icl-0Associate Professor Tetiana Bondarenko and Professor, Director of the Center for Engineering Pedagogy  UIPA Oleksandr Kupriyanov took part in the 47th IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy “ICL2018 – The Challenges of the Digital Transformation in Education“, which held on September 25 – 28 in Greece.

Within the framework of the conference, which meet more than 240 representatives from all over the world, the UIPA teachers got acquainted with the latest achievements in the field of using information teaching technologies, took part in master classes, and exchanged views with colleagues. далее …

Student videoconference with Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China)

tute-videoVideo conference with the Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China) was held 06/13/2018 on the basis of the Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies. The conference was attended by teachers and students of both universities. From our academy in the dialogue took part 3-year students of the specialty “Professional training. Computer technologies. ”

More video and pictures here.