The Erasmus+ teams of the CRED4TEACH project have completed their training and presented MOOC projects based on the results of the course “Toward becoming a MOOC designer”

On February 2, participants from the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy Erasmus+ of the CRED4TEACH “MOOC-based micro-credentials for the professional development of teachers” project presented their MOOCs (massive open online courses), which were developed based on the results of studying at Anadolu University (Turkey) and mastering the “Toward becoming a MOOC designer” course.

For 12 weeks, the teachers were trained in the courses MOOC01: Introduction to the development and conduction of MOOCs at iversity  For 12 weeks, the teachers were trained in the courses MOOC01: Introduction to the development and conduction of MOOCs at project website. The coordinator of the courses was professor Cengiz Hakan Aydin, head of the distance education department of Anadolu University. далее …

“Towards Becoming a MOOC Designer” face-to-face learning was held at the Anadolu University

Within the scope of the EU-funded CRED4TEACH Project, the face-to-face part of the blended trainings titled Towards Becoming a MOOC Designer was held at the Open Education Faculty between 10-12 January 2024. The opening speeches were made by Prof. Dr. Ali Resül Usul, Vice Rector responsible for Anadolu University Open Education System and Dean of the Faculty, and Prof. Dr. Sascha Lord, project coordinator on behalf of Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) University and Vice Rector responsible for distance education. Prof. Dr. Cengiz Hakan Aydın, Head of Distance Education Department of Anadolu University has designed this blended training and been facilitating it since 13 November 2023, also conducted the face-to-face meetings. Prof. Dr. Diogo Casanova, Vice Rector in charge of quality and micro-credits at the Portuguese Open University, Universidade Aberta, also contributed to a session about use of MOOCs as micro-credentials. далее …

Participation of representatives of the department in the final conference on the PAGOSTE Project

The PAGOSTE project’s final conference took place on November 6-8 at Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria). Titled “Vocational Teacher Education: Between Aspirations and Challenges,” the international conference reviewed the outcomes of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine” (PAGOSTE). Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy has been participating in this project from 2020 to 2024. The conference featured 23 presentations from scientists and teaching professionals across 5 countries.

At the conference, IKT&M was represented by Oleksandr Kupriyanov and Tetiana Bondarenko. The team, comprising Tetiana Bondarenko, Oleksandr Kupriyanov and Olena Kovalenko, presented the report “Ecosystem of digital solutions for VET institutions: the example of Ukraine and global trends.” далее …

Launch of the Erasmus+ project “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development”

A new international project “MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development” (CRED4TEACH) of the Erasmus+ program has been launched at the department. The CRED4TEACH project aims to develop innovative curricula for teachers and create opportunities for obtaining micro-qualifications based on massive open online courses (MOOCs).

On October 16-17, 2023, the first meeting of the CRED4TEACH project team took place in Cologne (Germany) in a mixed format. The project coordinators – representatives of the University of Applied Sciences of Small and Medium Business Olga Zubikova and Sasha Lord – familiarized the participants with the stages of work and the structure of the project.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Research Oleksandr Kupriyanov, Head of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics Olesia Nechuyviter, Professor of the Department Tetiana Bondarenko and Associate Professor Halyna Sazhko. далее …

We invite you to participate in the anniversary forum!


FORUM SOIS, 2023 is an event of opportunities, an innovative eco-environment for the birth of ideas, the exchange of scientific and educational experience, the birth of new professional communications!!! Everyone who is in the trend of sustainable development of science and education – let’s create a team of like-minded people and step together! Join and take action!

We invite scientists, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers, doctoral students and post-graduate students, as well as students of various forms of education who carry out scientific and educational activities in the field of social, psychological-pedagogical, engineering and IT sciences to participate in the work
of the 4th and 5th International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum “FORUM SOIS, 2023: DEVELOPMENT OF A UNIQUE OPEN INFORMATION SPACE FOR LIFELONG EDUCATION“, which will take place on May 23-26, 2023
on the basis and under the conditions of the joint activity of the main organizers of scientific and educational partners – the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (, Kharkiv) and the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after V. O. Sukhomlynskyi (, Kyiv), as well as joining the circle of main organizers and strategic partners with the consent of leading scientific institutions, educational institutions and public associations of Ukraine and abroad. далее …


On March 24, 2023, the graduates of the Kharkiv Secondary School of I-III degrees No. 154 of the Kharkiv City Council of the Kharkiv Region visited the Open Door Day of the ICT Department. The event was opened by the head of the department, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Olesya Petrivna Nechuiviter, who spoke in detail about the educational programs of the department and their features. Assistant professor of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Serhiy Mykolayovych Trokhymchuk, in his speech, focused on the features of the admissions campaign in 2023. The visitors of the event actively asked questions to the students of ICT department, Ksenia Fedyai and Ihor Bondarenko, who participated in the online event and shared their impressions of studying in the specialty 015.39 Professional education (Digital technologies). Later, the meeting took place in the “question-answer” format. During the discussion, future applicants received answers to questions about preparatory courses, features of the educational process, prospects and opportunities offered by studying at UIPA.

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Congratulations to the master’s students who successfully defended their qualification papers in the Professional Education (Digital Technologies)

Defenses of master’s theses in the specialty Professional Education (Digital Technologies) were held at the department. The State Examination Commission included:

Chairman: Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sciences, associate professor, Pershina Yuliya Ihorivna
EC members:

vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Kupriyanov;
Dean of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Oleg Leonidovych Kondratyuk;
chief by the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics, Ph.D., Professor, Olesya Petrivna Nechuiviter;

doctor of pedagogy, professor of the faculty of information computer technologies and mathematics Tetyana Serhiyivna Bondarenko;
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of information computer technologies and mathematics Halyna Ivanivna Sazhko;
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of pedagogy, methods and management of education, Viktoriya Serhiivna Kovalska;
doctor of pedagogy, associate professor associate professor of the department of technological and professional training of the Central Ukrainian State University, Trifonova Olha Mykhailivna.

The members of the commission noted the relevance of the master’s theses, their practical significance, in particular, the possibility of application in the educational and scientific space. The winners successfully defended their diploma projects and received a master’s degree in their specialty
015 Professional education (Digital technologies).