Presentation of master`s qualifying projects 2020

This year, five masters who studied the specialty “Vocational Training (Computer Technology)” developed and presented their master’s theses in English. Presentations were held in December 2020 at the Department of Information Computer Technology and Mathematics.

The following teachers of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy acted as supervisors for the implementation of these master’s qualification works: Bondarenko Tetyana, Kupriyanov Oleksandr, Sazhko Galina  and Nechuiviter Olesya Petrivna, who all the time helped students with the creation of quality projects.

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International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum “The Development of The Unified Open Information Space in Lifelong Education” 2020

Dear colleagues, scientists, educators!

Welcome to participation!

On March 25-27-th 2020
Will be held

The Second International Scientific and Practical WEB-Forum


(registered at the UkrISTEI system of Ukrainian Ministry of Education and Science, Certificate № 535 from 12.11.2018)

Open the Announcement as PDF

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epam-01st and 2nd year students of the specialty “Vocational training. Computer Technologies” visited EPAM. During the tour, they was told about the history of the company, its leading position in the market, the main areas of work.

UEPA students were thoroughly acquainted with how they can get to work at EPAM, what kind of specialists the company needs. They could see working days with their own eyes – walk along the Open Area.

Everyone was invited to the trainings conducted by the EPAM training center in the following areas: Java, .Net, Software Testing, DevOps, Front-End. далее …

Kupriyanov Oleksandr have completed EPAM Teachers Internship Winter 2019: Java

epam0During the spring semester, Alexander Kupriyanov completed of IT Ukraine Association Teacher’s Internship held by EPAM Systems. The program includes modules:

  1. Agile and Scram;
  2. CI / CD;
  3. GIT Fundamentals;
  4. Soft Skills.

Kupriyanov A. passed advanced training on programming in Java. During practical work, the Jenkins continuous integration system and the Sonar code inspection systems were used. далее …

Congratulations to the winner of the All-Ukrainian contest of student’s scientific works in the field of “Educational, pedagogical sciences”

Congratulations to the student of the DKI-POK15 group, Golovina Diana, who took II place in the All-Ukrainian Student Contest in the field of Educational, Pedagogical Sciences, held at Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University.

Scientific supervisor – associate professor of the Department of Information Computer and Printing Technologies Galina Sazhko.

We wish the student and the supervisor of further success in scientific work! далее …

New Computer Class – 414/1

pc-room0The department of information computer technology and mathematics has earned a new computer class. 20 personal computers for students and one for the teacher are comfortably located in the renovated room on the new special furniture.

The configuration is quite modern: Full HD 24” monitors, Windows 10, 8 GB RAM and – an object of envy – SSD drives. Such computers can do the most resource-intensive tasks. In addition to computers, the audience is equipped with a stationary widescreen multimedia projector and screen. далее …

Memorandum with UEPA and Kharkiv IT Claster

UEPA-ITClaster2Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy has signed a memorandum with the public organization Kharkiv IT Claster. Rector of UIPA Kovalenko Olena, Executive Director of Kharkiv IT Cluster Olga Shapoval, Vice-Rector for Research of UIPA Kupriyanov Olexander and Head of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics Nechuiviter Olesya took part in the signing procedure.

The Kharkiv IT Claster unites companies and educational institutions whose work is related to information technologies. The cluster carries out activities aimed at developing the technological environment for business and promotes a significant number of educational projects. The UIPA is interested in participating in the following 2019 projects:

  • workshops on current topics for students in the framework – OPEN IT;
  • news from the IT world for university professors – Professors2IT;

Participation in NewEdu

NewEduVice-rector on scientific work UIPA Kupriyanov A.V. and the head of the department ICTiM Nechuiviter O.P. took part in the NewEdu: Tech in Focus International Educational Forum, which was held in Kharkiv on April 4-5.

Within the framework of the forum, our collaborators got acquainted with educational trends related to information technology, established relationships with representatives of educational institutions and educational communities. As a result, we hope that the memorandum with Kharkiv IT Cluster will be signed soon. Kharkiv IT Cluster – a non-governmental organization that unites most of the leading IT companies in Kharkiv region.