Bondarenko T.S. was Carry Out a Report for the Leadership of Vocational Schools

On November 21, 2017 Associate Professor of Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies Bondarenko Tatyana Sergeevna made a presentation to the deputy directors of the training and production work of Vocational Schools on the rules of admission to the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy in 2018. The event took place in the framework of the webinar “Management of the educational process in the vocational school as the basis for productive educational changes”, which was conducted on the basis of the NMC of PTO in the Kharkov region. The seminar was attended by deputy directors from 34 vocational schools.


The Teacher and the Student of the Department Registered the Copyright to the Computer Program

reestr_programThe Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine decided to register the copyright for the product Computer program “Software for visual programming based on the tasks of managing a virtual robot”. The authors are Associate professor Sazhko Galina Ivanovna and student of the group DKI-POK16mg Belous Ivan Aleksandrovich.

The Team of UEPA1 Won in the Final of the Olympiad in Programming АСМ-ІСРС 2017 Among the Participants of the Second Group

coding1From October 9 to October 11, 2017, the III (final) stage of the All-Ukrainian Students’ Olympiad in Programming in the second group was held at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. Our team UEPA1 in the membership of Dragoon Vladimir Vladimirovich (graduate student), Vitaly Smaglenko (DKI-POK14), Kalinin Vladislav Vitalievich (DKI-POK14) for the first time in the history of UIPA convincingly took first place in the overall standings, among all Ukrainian teams of higher educational institutions of the second group. The team received a diploma of the first degree and valuable gifts.

Congratulations to the participants and coaches – associate professors of the Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies Yashun T. and Gromova E. A special thanks for the victory we want to express to Dragoon Vladimir, and congratulate him on such a successful completion of the olympiad career!

Director UEPA Engineering Pedagogy Center took part in the IGIP conference

Director of the UEPA Engineering Pedagogy Center, prof. from Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies Aleksandr Kupriyanov took part in the 46th International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy IGIP «ICL2017 – Teaching and Learning in a Digital World», which held on September 27-29 in Budapest.

During the conference, Aleksandr Kupriyanov, as a representative of UEPA, the Institutional Members of the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy, took part in a General meeting at which the new president of IGIP was elected. He became Germany prof. Hanno Horst. Eight graduates from UEPA Engineering Pedagogy Center were awarded the title of International Engineering Educator ING.PAED.IGIP. Oleksandr Kupriyanov made a report «Implementation of Mobile Testing System for Control of Students’ Educational Outcomes», and also visited the robotics lab at the University of Obuda.